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Acid Copper Plating Process Chemicals--CPA-800 series

Process flow

copper plating
Electroplating copper process is to deposit a suitable copper layer by using electrolytic method after electroless copper process. The electroplating copper layer may provide reliable conductivity and specified thickness which prevent circuit overheating and relative mechanical defect. Acid copper eletroplating plays a very important role in PCB industry. It is directly connected with the plating quality and mechanical properties. Electroplating organic additive is the key factor of improving working solution and plating layer features.

Acid copper plating CPA-800
CPA-800is an excellent copper plating additive, it has wonderful dispersion capability and further enhances throwing power. It's suitable for plating high aspect ratio backplane and high density interconnected boards. The electroplating copper layer has compact structure, high ductility, high conductivity and good reliability. The plating layer can pass 1000 cycles thermal shock testing, HATs testing and 10 times solder dipping testing (288 ℃).
CPA-800 also can be applied to blind microvia plating and the throwing powder may reach 100%. It can be operated at high current density (30 ASF max.), which greatly improves the output of plating process. CPA-800 can be controlled by Hull Cell testing and also precise analyzed by CVS technology. Process control is convenient and therefore greatly reducing unnecessary waste due to unstable operation. This also ensures a very low running cost.
CPA-800 can be controlled by Hull Cell testing and also precise analyzed by CVS technology. Process control is convenient and therefore greatly reducing unnecessary waste due to unstable operation. This also ensures a very low running cost.
CPA-800 series product contains Leveller component which can effective level the rough holes wall, certainly produce uniform copper thickness and eliminate the insufficient copper thickness in the holes wall.

Electroplating Operation Parameters

operating condition


65 – 80 g/L


190 – 210 g/L


40 – 60 mg/L

CPA-800B (Brightener Additive)

15 – 25 mL/L

CPA-800M (Making-up Additive)

0.15 – 0.6 mL/L

plating solution density


solution temp.

18 – 30℃ ,25℃ better

urrent Density

10 – 40 ASF,25 ASF better


1 – 4 V

Anodic Current Density

10 – 30 ASF


air stirring 

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